





  很少旅客真正具有冒險精神,大部分的人仍喜歡舒適地旅遊,特別是對浴室的要求。-Cathy Lynn Grossman(USA Today)

  美國人以為他們講話大聲或速度慢一點,別人就會知道他們在說什麼。他們就是不懂有人不說英文。-Places國際旅遊公的Elisabeth Olesen








 即使是一心想嘗鮮的人,還是對自己熟悉的事物比較自在(That's True!)


美國旅遊業協會提供了一個度假性格小考,來讓你了解自己的旅遊性格。有興趣的話可以去網站上find out你的旅遊性格,不過全部都是英文就是了。

Vacation Personality Quiz

這是我的Vacation Personality:

Your selections indicate your vacation personality is: 

Special Interest / Adventure Traveler

Read about your personality below. Then you can Select an Activity or Destination to find USTOA tour operators which sell tours and packages that match your travel style. 

Special Interest / Adventure Traveler
You like vacations devoted to a specific theme or to places "off the beaten track." Since it can be more difficult to visit these places on your own, you rely on the expertise of professional guides and tour planners. You would enjoy traveling with a small group of people who share your interests. As someone who prefers stimulating activities, you might enjoy an African safari, a visit to Machu Picchu(這一段話真有趣,馬丘比丘都出來了!不過那個地方真的很吸引我~~), a walking tour in Europe, exploring the Canadian Rockies or the rainforests of Costa Rica. Or engage in more intellectual pursuits like tracing the antiquities of Egypt, or the culture of Japan and Asia.
If you'd like to consult a travel professional to help with your vacation plans, we suggest you take these results to your local Certified Travel Counselor or Certified Travel Associate (CTC/CTA). He or she can help you find the right destination and vacation to suit your personality. CTCs and CTAs have completed a rigorous training program and at least 18 months of full-time industry work experience. They are also required to fulfill annual professional development courses. Visit to find a CTC or CTA in your area or one who specializes in the area of the world you wish to travel to.




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