

拿到offer之後立刻到Student In Oslo網站創立一個帳號:

點選【My Page】-->【New User】

Email address (username):填你的E-mail

Norwegian ID Number* (11 digits): 填你的生日取代ID   DDMMYY





2.點選你想要申請的宿舍和房型,把喜歡的房間「Add to application」。就算想申請的房型顯示「Nothing Avalible」也可以選,一定要把6個志願全部選滿,且只能申請Single furnished room才會增加選到房間的機會!

3.點 「Go to application」 in the left hand side.

4. Under 「Contract duration」: indicate your arrival and departure dates.  By  「Desired contract start date」: choose 1 August (for Autumn semester) or 1 January (for spring semester). By 「Desired contract end date」, indicate your departure date.

5. Under 「Place of study」: 選擇你的學校

 6. Under 「Degree」: choose either 「Bachelor」 or 「Master」 as appropriate.

 7.Under 「Start date of studies」: choose August (for Autumn semester) or January (for spring semester).

 8.Click 「Next」

The text 「Application step 2 of 4」 will now appear.

9. Fill in the required personal information . Please write your name exactly as it appears in your passport.

10. Under 「Norwegian ID number」: fill in your date of birth in the format DDMMYY if you do not have a Norwegian Id number. 

 11.Under 「Invoice」: choose e-mail .

 12. Click 「Next」

The text 「Application step 3 of 4」 will now appear.

 13.Fill in the required information under 「Next of kin」

 14.Click 「Next」

The text 「Application step 4 of 4」 will now appear.

 15. Check that the information you're submitting is correct and complete the process by clicking 「Send application」.

(以上資訊從HiOA的網站擷取,原文看這裡:How to apply for accommodation)




1.Kansleren furnished single room /private bathroom  2794-3000 NOK (私人浴室價格又便宜,所以是第一志願)

2.Kringsja furnished single room/ bathroom share with 1 person   2528-3887 NOK  (貌似很多台灣人和中國人都住過這一區)

3.Sofienberg furnished single room/ private bathroom 3617 NOK (挪威同學說這一區有很棒的咖啡店,生活環境很好)

4.Bjerke furnished single room/ bathroom share with 1 person 2708-3725 NOK

5.Kringsja furnished single room/private bathroom 3411-3887 NOK

6.St. Haushaugen furnished single room/ bathroom share with 7 person 2582-2963 NOK


最後在6/3收到SiO的Offer,拿到Kringsja furnished single room/ bathroom share with 1 person






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