INIS 最新資訊更新:INIS網站更新囉!有申請2018愛爾蘭打工度假簽證的朋友記得檢查信箱,看來隨時會收到通知,就可以去找蔡小姐領打工度假授權書囉!
Batch 1
This is completed and Working Holiday Authorisations have been issued to all applicants.
Batch 2 (subject to availability)
This will be for travel from April to December 2018.
Due to the high volume received a lottery system may come into play again.
Successful applications will be processed in mid-January and sent to our handling agent in Taiwan soon thereafter.
INIS 最新資訊更新: You are invited to send applications between 25 October to 15 November – Must be received in Dublin prior to closing date, if you wish to: Apply for the Working Holiday Programme 2018 (January to December)
In early December, eligibility will be determined on the applications received. Our website will be updated to reflect the numbers received. A lottery system may come into play, again, depending on numbers.
說到申請打工度假簽證,大家要養成一個好習慣,直接去官網找資料,而不是在網路上、臉書上道聽塗說。負責愛爾蘭打工度假事務的是INIS (Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service 愛爾蘭歸化及移民服務署) 網址在這裡 直接到INIS的網站上查詢相關資訊。為什麼我說要養成上官網看資料的習慣呢?因為官網的是第一手資料,有什麼最新消息都是依照官網上說的算。之前臉書社團上有人說2017年第二梯的打工度假名額已經全滿了,但同時INIS的網站大概五月初就公布還有一些名額,申請時間從5月22日開始。如果沒有仔細看官網的資訊而相信臉書社團的傳聞,很可能今年就錯過申請的機會了。